Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: "Watching the Detectives" on Chandler/Marlowe

From: Ray Skirsky (
Date: 21 Jul 2000

At 02:20 PM 7/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Kip wrote:
>"Faulkner's SANCTUARY probably caught the attention of a few
>proto-hardboilers when it appeared, but his biggest contribution to the
>noir/mystery/crime/hardboiled/pulp/whatever genre was through his work
>on screenplays like TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT, MILDRED PIERCE, and THE BIG

"To Have and Have Not" may have the best dialog of any movie I've seen. My favorite line: "What are you tying to do? Guess her weight?" from Bacall to Bogart, who is holding the fainting wife of the resistance fighter in his arms
(and apparently taking too long to put her down).


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