Re: RARA-AVIS: Re. Spillane

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 20 Jul 2000

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Ray Skirsky wrote:

> I think the yarn in question is "One Lonely Night," or maybe Knight. I'm
> not sure, not having
> read Mike Hammer in decades (literally). But I remember the story. There
> ought to be someone
> around here who knows for sure.

I haven't read "One Lonely Night" myself (if I have, I've forgotten), now I know where to check. Thanks.

By the way, I just finished "Kiss Me, Deadly". I read it for the first time and although I've never liked Spillane very much, I was disappointed by this. Not very strong storyline, not very interesting characters (especially Pat Chambers is boring as hell), and the fear of mafia seemed a bit exaggerated. The film made it all better and it seemed like an original piece of art compared to Spillanes novel.


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