Re: RARA-AVIS: The Russian Killers

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 05 Jul 2000

On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, Mario Taboada wrote:

> To me,
> there's no greater artist of pure cinema than the late Tarkovsky, and Andrei
> Rublev and The Mirror are his greatest works.

I would've sneaked already out of this, but right now I just can't: "The Mirror" is one of the best films ever made.

> To keep this on topic, what about modern Russian hardboiled and noir
> literature? There's the right environment, lots of stuff happening, a great
> tradition of dark literature. Yet I haven't come across a single Russian novel
> on the topic. Are they just not being translated?

I saw some paperback originals in Russian when I visited Estonia couple of years ago (I am the worst traveller in the world, don't go very often). They looked like some Jerry Ahern books and usually dealt with the Afghanistan war. There are some mystery writers there, but I don't know much about them. The tradition of Russian or Soviet crime literature is pretty much socialist realistic, but I do recall one television series about the Moscow police just after the Second World War. This was, to my reminiscence, a moody and dark stuff. But then again, I was some ten years old when I saw it.

By the way, IMDB claims that Lionel White's novel has been filmed in Soviet Union!


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