Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Women Rewriting

From: Mario Taboada (
Date: 28 May 2000

Jess, in an enjoyable rant:

<<And some academics draw from this an essentially female point of view and voice. They usually define it as being more concerned with relationships than with action or plot,...>>

Less action, maybe. But less plot? This is manifestly false in the mystery field.

<<emotions than logic,>>

This dichotomy (which really doesn't exist for humans) should, if anything, be turned around: in my experience, it's women who are more analytical and men who rely more on "intuition", "gut feeling" and "spontaneous reactions". I feel so sure enough of this to make a public fool of myself by generalizing it...

<<social structures and dynamics (such as family set-ups) than with the individual.>>

This makes no sense. I would say that social structures, etc. have been given about the same weight by male and female writers.

Let's take a baker's dozen Nobel prize winners:

Sinclair Lewis - social

Dario Fo - social

Jean Paul Sartre - both

Marcel Camus - individual

Ernest Hemingway - individual

William Faulkner - both

Camilo José ƒela - both

Jose Saramago - social

Saul Bellow - both

Gabriel Garcí¡ Má²±uez - both

Naguib Mahfouz - both

Toni Morrison - both

Even within male writers, there's no clear rule, though it seems that many have given similar weight to the individual and to society and relationships.



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