RARA-AVIS: Browne & Gruber

From: Moorich2@aol.com
Date: 26 May 2000

Dick Lochte asked if there was an in print reference for my statement that Howard Browne loathed Frank Gruber. There is. I can't be specific at the moment for Browne did variations on his pulp & Hollywood memories for several publications. I strongly suspect, however, that it is in the Dennis McMillan published collection of Browne's pulp fiction, called "Incredible Ink" or something equally dumb. Great book though. I'll find the exact quote when I get back to the states for a visit in mid-June and can dig through my collection.

As for Octavus Roy Cohn, I recently picked up a British reprint of one of David Cooke's "Best Detective Stories of the Year" that had a Florian Slappey story. Racist beyond words and there is no context in which I can imagine anyone of any era finding it funny. Popular Library did grace some of his other work with superb cover art.

Richard Moore

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