Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: kafka quote

From: a.n.smith (
Date: 21 Apr 2000

>(Franz Kafka to Oskar Pollak, January 27, 1904)
> That's pretty hard-boiled, I believe. But then don't forget Ralph Waldo
> Emerson who
> said literature had to be "blood-warm" for it to matter. Emerson could be
> hard-boiled. I forget the title, but he wrote an essay about death
> after the death of his son. Folks at the time thought there was something
> weird in his "attitude", if I 'member correctly.

Both of these guys, what you're talking about has nothing to do with hard-boiled writing. You're talking about what one thought about the types of books he liked to read (metaphorically, poetically), and about Emerson's attitude. He could not be hard-boiled. He wouldn't even know what the hell that meant. What he could be was rude and selfish. Read the essay
"Self-Reliance". An interesting philosophy of life, actually, that allows for a person to be rude and selfish.

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