RARA-AVIS: hello

From: Monte Morgan ( mmorgan@charter.net)
Date: 27 Mar 2000

My name is Monte Morgan. I am 33 yrs. old. I am brand-new to the list and thought i might introduce myself. I began reading crime and noir fiction shortly after graduating from college. Elmore Leonard, Loren Estleman, Parnell Hall, James Ellroy and Ed Gorman were first. Gorman and others(including the lists Bill Crider)were later influential in my discovery of any number of great "Golden Age" writers. Favorites include Gil Brewer, Malcolm Braly, early Dan Marlowe, late Ed Lacy, David Goodis, Charles Williams, Harry Whittington and too many others to mention. I love the type of uncluttered, direct, moody suspense stories these dudes cranked out so efficiently. I thought I might also mention in parting that Kiss Me Deadly is the finest classic film noir I have yet seen. And LA Confidential the finest contemporary noir film. The recently mentioned Judas Kiss is also VERY good. See it for Carla Gugino if nothing else. Monte

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