RARA-AVIS: Scott Turow, legal thrillers

From: McHale, Steve ( SMcHale@filenet.com)
Date: 24 Jan 2000

        Never tried Turow, tried a Grisham and thought it was just how you described this Turow.

        I did finish a decent legal thriller last week that I thought some of you hard-boiled fans might appreciate. It's called The Judge. The author is Steve Martini. It's written in the first person point of view, has compelling courtroom dialogue (at least, for me), and is full of wry observations on the characters and the legal institution. The climax was cookie-cutter, but most ending disappoint me. It's an easy read. Give it a try.

> Ok, this may be OT but please give a little feedback if you can. I have
> never read Scott Turow so I picked up "Presumed Innocent". I had expected
> to enjoy the writer but I am less than 100 pages in and about to give up.
> The book seems to be very disjointed, characters seem to come and go and
> it
> would seem that prior knowledge is required for it to make sense.

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