Re: RARA-AVIS: Top Picks & Fred. Brown

From: a.n.smith (
Date: 06 Jan 2000

For Ellroy, I go against the grain and recommend White Jazz, LA Confidential, and American Tabloid. The early books are just not as innovative, kinda dull.

George Pelecanos: King Suckerman and The Big Blowdown. The Whole D.C. Quartet. The Nick Stefanos books are fine, but he really stepped up a notch to write these others.

Hammett: Red Harvest and The Maltese Falcon. It's hard to shrug off 60 years of baggage and just read Mal.Fal. without the movie playing in your head, but try.

Chandler: The Long Goodbye.

Crumley: The Last Good Kiss

On another note, I think it's a shame that Fredric Brown's work, so often praised here, is hard to find now. I wish the crime novels would be picked up and reprinted, since I'm not a big "go out and scout for used books" guy. Any ideas of who has the current rights, and who we might want to petition about that?

Neil Smith

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