RARA-AVIS: Double your title?

e j m duggan (ejmd@cwcom.net)
Sun, 16 May 1999 11:46:18 +0000 On Sat, 15 May 1999 "Jerry Buck" <PeteCastle@worldnet.att.net> wrote:


> Movie titles are registered, but re-use seems to be common after a
> movie has been out a while and has faded. Obviously, you're not going
> to see another CASABLANCA, but some titles have been used three or four
> times.

According to an essay in Deborah Cartmel, et al, eds. _Pulping
Fictions_, Universal still own the film title _Frankenstein_, hence
Kenneth Branagh's film had to be called something else: _Mary Shelley's
Frnakenstein_ is then a copyright work-around.


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