RARA-AVIS: Re: The Big Sleep

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@colba.net)
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 16:42:33 -0500 David White wrote:

>pretty much, from what i've read, chandler didn't lot specifically, it was
>a see where things went sorta thing... that's why his plots weren't always
>so choerent.. it doesn't seem like he revised much...

Actually, from what I remember reading, Chandler rewrote everything, over
and over. I seem to remember reading that he sweated over his first short
story for two years...His pace improved, but he was never a prolific
writer, and he tended to recycle a lot of his short story stuff for his
novels, although of course he revised it as well...

Maybe he just didn't care who killed the chauffer...Chandler's
preoccupation was with style, anyway...

Kevin Smith
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