Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Hammett's Six

MT (
Sun, 06 Sep 1998 13:43:28 -0500 Mark Sullivan:

<<Okay, I just got up and still not really awake, but what's Hammett's
sixth? Woman in the Dark? Or Big Knockover? These probably qualify (I
forget the official word-count for a novel from college English), but I
always thought of Hammett as having written 5 novels, plus a few
novellas, or "short novels" as they are called in the subtitle to Big

_Blood Money_ was published as a novel. The University of Minnesota
library had an ancient copy of this, the only one I've seen. I don't
know if it was Hammett's idea to put together the Paddy the Mex stories
"The Big Knockover" and "$106,000 Blood Money". In the reissue of _The
Big Knockover_, Lillian Hellman put those two stories at the end of the


Mario Taboada
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