Re: RARA-AVIS: Back from book-shop trip 8-}
Mon, 31 Aug 1998 17:30:12 -0400 <<Got a No Exit hb edition of Raoul Whitfield's _The Virgin Kills_ three
quid; smells like it's never been opened.>>

Book sniffer, eh? We got a name fer fellers like you: er, um, Book

Actually, the smell of a hard-boiled book can add a certain something to
the reading experience. For instance, I apparently have the same taste in
reading matter as a heavy smoker who also frequents the local public
library. Invariably I open up one of those criminal fictions and the
cloying odor of stale cigar smoke rolls out of the pages.

Really makes those smokey bar scenes come to life. -- Duane

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