Re[2]: RARA-AVIS:Randisi
25 Aug 98 14:40:00 -0400 --UNS_gsauns2_2937391308
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Recently Marian asked:
"Anyone know something about Randisi? Maybe have a list of his
Bob Randisi is not only an avid practitioner of the PI novel, but one
of the PI novel's biggest fans, dating from the mid-60s when he first
saw the movie *Harper*. He is the founder of the Private Eye Writers
of America, and of its annual awards, the Shamus. He is the
co-founder (with Ed Gorman) of *Mystery Scene*, the professional
journal of detective literature (sort of to crime fiction what
*Variety* is to show business). Under a variety of house pseudonyms
he has also written scores of paperback westerns featuring characters
like "The Gunsmith." I don't have a list of his books, but his three
series PIs are Henry Po, who is the chief investigator for the New
York State Racing Club as well as the owner of his own PI agency and
who was introduced in *The Disappearance of Penny*; Boxer/PI Miles
Jacoby who first appeared in *The Steinway Collection*; and Nick
Delvechio who debuted in *No Exit from Brooklyn*. - Jim Doherty

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