RARA-AVIS: Re. Suzane Moore (Was: re: Authors, Women/Hard-Boiled)

ejm duggan (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 09:57:19 -0700 On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, ANONYMEINC@webtv.net (Mark Sullivan) wrote:

[SNIP and, for the S&M freaks, SLAP]

> Speaking of which, has anyone read In the Cut by Suzane Moore. It had
> its moments, but tried a bit to hard to be shocking.

Would this be the same Susanne Moore, Ipswich's favourite daughter, of
the spat-with-Germaine-Greer-in The Guardian fame?


|   <http://www.ejmd.mcmail.com>     |
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