RARA-AVIS: General Reminder about Posting

ejm duggan (ejmd@mcmail.com)
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 10:58:38 -0700 Hello everyone
(and a special hello to what appears to be a new crop of rara avians),

List-owner Bill Denton asked Mario and I to 'keep an eye on things'
while he went off somewhere quiet to dispose of a few bodies of
recidivist miscreant posters.

I've also been away for a while, but now I'm back in front of a keyboard
I think I need to offer a general reminder to everyone about posting, to
our newer members who may not yet have learned how things work on this
list, and also to members of longer-standing who ought to know better by
now, and seem to sometimes hit the 'reply' button when they really ought
to go for a coffee instead.

Can you all PLEASE note the following:

EDIT the post to which you are replying as much as possible.
Leave only what is needed of the original post for others to make sense
of your reply. No-one wants or needs to read the same post six times!
If your mailer programme automatically apends the post to which you are
responding below your own, please be considerate enough to take a few
seconds to delete it.

Insults and personal attacks are not tolerated here.
If anyone wants to swap insults, do it via personal email or go find a
newsgroup. Under this category we probably ought also to include
'trolling', which means the posting of deliberately provocative material
in order to cause mischief (ie wind people up with the intention of
starting a flame war).

Apart from that, I think the old man on the mountain had it just about
right: 'do as thou wilt shall be the extent of the law'.

Carry on enjoying yourselves,

Eddie Duggan

|   <http://www.ejmd.mcmail.com>     |
|                       |

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