RARA-AVIS: Reality: still a questionable concept

Kevin Smith (kvnsmith@colba.net)
Wed, 5 Aug 1998 09:45:16 -0500 Poor Ned...running the lotto with Mario by night, and hurling spitballs by

All this talk of magical realism aside, I have noticed a few hardboiled
authors who have injected some surrealness into the proceedings (I'm not
talking real fantasy or sci-fi/crime crossovers, like crime-solving
vampires, android gumshoes, or stuff like that). For example, James Lee
Burke's been having dead people as recurring characters lately, Jeremiah
Healy's John Cuddy frequently gets advice from his long-dead wife, and Paco
Ignacio Taibo killed off his Mexico City P.I., Hector Shayne in one book,
and brought him back in the next without a word of explanation. Yet these
books are all pretty down to earth, other than all these stiffs walking
around or yapping their heads off.

As for Maximum Bob, as an adaptation, I was disappointed. As a spin-off
from the book, though, I think it has potential. My wife, who's never read
Elmore Leonard, loved it; thought it was a great premise. I felt the first
show was a bit fluffy and unfocussed, although the last few minutes wrapped
it up nicely, and give it a bit of grit-the explanation of all those
explosions. I liked that. With Leonard riding shotgun as "consultant," it
could be interesting, anyway...and I'll watch any show that has "Green
Onions" in it...

And Mark, I wouldn't say there's been no good films made from Leonard
books. Mr. Majesyk, Hombre, Jackie Brown, Get Shorty and now Out of Sight
come to mind. Mind you, like you said, a lot of them are real turkeys.
Touch, anyone? Or Stick?

Kevin Smith
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