Re: RARA-AVIS: Hard Boiled Comix

James & Livia Reasoner (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 21:49:22 -0600 John Lau wrote:

> there is absolutely nothing more hard boiled than Frank Miller's black
> white graphic novel series SIN CITY. particularly the 1st originally
> serialized collection which features a serial killer who makes his
> watch as he eats their severed limbs, and then collects their heads on a
> wall; and a protagonist who murders a crooked archbishop, feeds the
> killer to his own dogs and dies in the electric chair at the end.

I'm glad someone mentioned Sin City. All the books are excellent. I'm not
a fan of Frank Miller's other work (didn't like The Dark Knight Returns and
think it probably had a bad influence on comics in general), but Sin City
is very compelling.

> Mike Hammer did indeed begin life as a comic book character called Mike
> Danger. new Mike Danger episodes are now being published and are written
> prolific mystery writer Max Allan Collins. the series has also been
> by Miramax Films.

As far as I know, the Mike Danger comics series is no longer being
published. It had a pretty interesting premise--a PI from the 1950s wakes
up a hundred years in the future--which I suspect was far from what
Spillane's original idea was.

James Reasoner

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