RARA-AVIS: Hammett

Lesserkind (Lesserkind@aol.com)
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 13:28:35 EST Okay, I know that if it wasn't for the maltese falcon we wouldn't have
are whole hard boiled genre today, and Chandler, Archer, Parker, Jon Valin,
etc would have never existed to be like they are (or were) today. But despite
of the great following that inspired the Long Goodbye and others, I liked the
Maltese Falcon, book and film, but I don't think by any means is it as well
written and beautifully as Red Harvest, which is, in my opinion, the greatest
crime novel of all time.
Red Harvest was written before the Maltese Falcon, and to me it is
more interesting because of the plot and the characters, such as the infamous
Dina Brand and police chief Noonan.
I recomend this book highly if you haven't read it. Also, just as
Chandler, Archer, etc grew out of te Maltese Falcon, James Ellroy, Elmore
Leonard, Ross Thomas, Carl Hiaasin, Richard Stark, (AKA Donald E Westlake)
Donald Hammilton, Charles McCary all grew from Red Harvest.

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