Re: RARA-AVIS: Auster and Lethem

Tosh (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:13:47 -0800 (PST) I think noir and hardboiled fiction serves as a foundation for many
'postmodern' authors. It would be very hard for one to avoid or resist
noir/hardboiled fiction in the fact that it inspired so many postmodern
authors, filmmakers, etc. All art has a string that is attached to another
form of 'art.' In a sense, German expressionism (much of the talent from
Germany) transformed itself into noir material in the American films of the
Forties, Fifties, etc.

And I imagine Auster's reading habits are noir novels, as well as the
Surrealists, Kafka, etc.

Tosh Berman
TamTam Books

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