Re: RARA-AVIS: Henry / Frank Kane

Laurent Lehmann (
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 20:27:29 +0000 On 17 Oct 97 at 6:42, Gary Warren Niebuhr wrote:

> As long as you asked, my opinion is the Frank is better than Henry.
> Henry was full of himself, and made his character that way as well.
> Remember, Henry's detective is so sophisticated that he calls himself a
> "private richard."

Thanks for the info. I've only read Frank and Henry Kane in French years
ago, so the 'private richard' bit escaped me, along with other stylistic
points lost in the translation. I now read all English writers in English
(still have to learn Spanish and Italian !), and the differences between
can be mindboggling, especially in the case of mysteries who weren't
always very faithfully translated.

It can be explained by the difference of talent between translators, and
the space limitations imposed by the French PB publishers, which often
led to some abridged versions...

> As to the other long forgotten from the same period, I would like to
> nominate Wade Miller, Bart Spicer and Norbert Davis.

Are Wade Miller really forgotten ? If so, it's very sad and this list
should remedy to it asap ! Max Thursday is IMHO one of the ten all-time
great PIs, and their other books are also quite good.

Who is Bart Spicer ?

"When you're slapped, you'll take and like it"
Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon,
from Hardboiled by P. Thompson & S. Usukawa.
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